Our Story

About Aman

AMAN Human Capital was established in Jan 2017. Aiming to enhance the workplace environment, Increase productivity and engagement of the employees also increase the awareness among private sector of the importance in investing in the Human Capital within the organization and follow the country legislations.

AMAN Human Capital founded by a group of highly experienced professionals and believers in the Human Capital Management and the value of having Ethical healthy Workplace in the region. Our innovative and diversified training courses and consulting services are designed and delivered by subject matter experts who are competent in providing solutions relevant to this region and applicable to today’s business challenges. We believe that the Human Capital are a strategic partner to any organization and keeping the Talents needs modern creative and fixable HCM, Return of Investment designed trainings and development also well implemented policies and procedure they will add the needed value to company capital and increase their engagement, loyalty, stability and productivity.

Our Vision

Human Capital investment through ethical, professional and safe workplace environment.

Our Mission

We are committed to improving labor standards and workplace wellbeing with the aim of providing the employees , employers and business partners with the latest professional ,creative human capital products, services and solutions.

Our Values

Equity, Transparency, Excellence ,Integrity, Professionalism and Uniqueness

Main Services

We work closely with our clients to help them create effective Human Resources solutions to maximize their organization performance.

AMAN Functions of Human Resources Consulting Services:

  • Retention program development
  • Training and development
  • Recruiting and hiring
  • Mentoring and counseling
  • Performance management
  • Development of employee handbooks and code of ethics 
  • HR data analysis
  • Change Management 
  • Authority Matrix 
  • Succession Planning 
  • Help and support organization HR team 
  • Create and develop organization policies and procedures 
  • Employer Branding.
  • Build HR practices aligned with labor law and rights
  • Alternative dispute Resolution
  • Employees relations services 

Career Coaching 

  • Learn critical skills required in today’s work environment.
  • Build confidence and define your value proposition.
  • Build a powerful and relevant resume.
  • Make informed decisions about the evolution of your career.
  • Set goals and build a roadmap to your destination.


Interview Coaching benefits 

  • How to make a great first impression.
  • Nerve control and confidence.
  • Techniques to build rapport.
  • Anticipating questions and structuring strategic answers to traditional, situational, behavioral and competency-based interview questions.
  • What the interviewer wants to hear.
  • Salary negotiation tips.
  • Questions to ask at the end, how to close an interview and, the follow up.

LMI Chicago’s Total Leader program was developed to fill a leadership void in the global marketplace. In order for businesses to become truly empowered, productive, and innovative enterprises, they must develop leaders throughout the entire organization. … Truly effective leadership is a continuous, ongoing process.